Written by Fundizwi Sikhondze
The 2024 International Workers Day on 1 May 2024 in Mbabane has become the talk of the country for so many reasons. One of the reasons was because the Prime Minister Russel Mmiso Dlamini was denied the rights to speak because the Public Address system was turned off unceremoniously causing for the whole occasion to collapse. The overall theme for workers day was, Social Justice and Decent Work for All.
In this report it is our pleasure to present the message that the TUCOSWA leadership delivered to workers that day.
The message, as per the tradition, was delivered by the Secretary General and entailed the following issues;
1. The Socio - Political situation
In relation to this point TUCOSWA noted that the workers right to assembly and pursue or advance their common interests had been curtailed through what TUCOSWA described as an unconstitutional administrative order by the Minister of Housing and Urban Development which banned gatherings an towns and cities around Eswatini.
The very gathering of workers day had been denied procession rights to the venue by the Mbabane City Council.
2. Social Justice - justice in life for humanity
TUCOSWA further highlighted that human working conditions cannot be achieved without workers having a voice at the table fairly and equitably .To this end TUCOSWA called for the introduction of minimum wage set at E3,500.00 per month, the ratification of ILO conventions 189 and 190 for attainment of gender equality ,health equality where access to health is not hampered by shortages of drugs amongst other reasons.
3. Decent Work and Employment Creation
Under this theme TUCOSWA called for a conducive environment for decent work and employment creation in the form of the rule of law, guarantee of general civil liberties ,freedom of speech ,freedom of assembly. Other ingredients include social protection, fundamental rights at work and social dialogue.
4. Economic Situation
Under this topic TUCOSWA welcomed the increased SACU receipts and then called for an increase to the elderly and disabled people's grant to E1 500.00 per month and further called for workers to share as best they could with their parents.
5. Outstanding legislation
Under this topic TUCOSWA called for swift promulgation of the following bills into law:
- The bill seeking to convert the provident fund into a pension
- The Employment Bill
- The Industrial Relations Bill
- The Unemployment Benefit Fund Bill
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