ATUSWA Secretary General Comrade Wander Mkhonza addressing the IndustriALL Mid Term Policy Conference in Capetown ,South Africa (Picture courtesy of IndustriALL) Written by Fundizwi Sikhondze The Amalgamated Trade Union of Swaziland (ATUSWA) Secretary General Comrade Wander Mkhonza ,on Tuesday 20th June 2023, addressed the midterm policy conference of the IndustriALL Global Union currently sitting in Cape Town, South Africa where he called for more attention to be bestowed to the repressed workers in Swaziland by the global union. ATUSWA together with the Swaziland Electricity Supply and Maintenance Workers Union (SESMAWU) are the two Swaziland affiliates of the IndustriALL Global Union. Secretary General Wander drew the conference's attention to the repression that workers face in Swaziland through state repression as well as through the courts. He credited the notorious 1973 decree as the source of the repression in the country to the extent that even when laws are crafted ...
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