Written by Fundizwi Sikhondze (Publishing Editor) Standard Bank Eswatini workers ,who are members of the Swaziland Union of Financial and Allied Workers (SUFIAW), are set to embark on a legal strike action commencing on Monday 22 May 2023 countrywide. The strike comes after the failure by Standard Bank Eswatini (the bank) and SUFIAW (the union) to reach an agreement on pay increases at the bank. The Times of Eswatini Sunday (21-05-2023) reported that at the negotiations table Standard Bank Eswatini is currently offering SUFIAW members a wage increment of 5.2% while SUFIAW is demanding 8.5% increment. So far none amongst the two parties has shown inclination meet the other halfway. In the same report the bank has expressed that they hope the grievance can be resolved before Monday ,the commencement date of the strike action. The same newspaper report indicated that a process of balloting for the strike action had been done in compliance with the labour laws of the...
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