Forget about the diversion manoeuvres employed by the regime, the big question now is what will give for the country to finally conduct the elusive political dialogue? Pictures: (Left)The entrance of the burnt public library in Nhlangano a town located in the south of eSwatini, and (Right) a retail complex in a village called Luyengo in central part of eSwatini in the aftermath of the June 2021 protests.(pic credit, the author) A few weeks ago, on the 29th June 2022 eSwatini came to a complete standstill as citizens adhered to calls from the pro-democracy movement to observe a one day stay away in commemoration of what they call the brutal killing of activists on the similar date a year previous, the 29th June 2021. The stay away call was of course opposed by the eSwatini government, who instead mobilised the public to continue with their usual activities just like any other day. The success of the stay awa...
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