APRIL 12, 2021 IN THE SHADOW OF MARIO AND JAN. A MOMENT OF DEEP REFLECTION FOR ALL Picture: In conversation. Mario Masuku (L) and Jan Sithole (Middle) April 12 th of every year in ESwatini has often been marred by political tensions characterised by clashes between the state and pro-democracy activists. The year 2021 is special in the sense that it is the first April 12 since the passing away of two pro-democracy movement stalwarts Mario Masuku and Jan Sithole passed away who passed away in early 2021 and late 2020 respectively. Jan was widely celebrated as a trade union leader who was at the helm of the Swaziland Federation of Trade Union (SFTU) from the early 1980’s until 2009. Upon his retirement from SFTU Jan went on to launch a political party called the Swaziland Democratic Party (SWADEPA). Mario on the other hand was a long serving President of the People’s United Democratic Movement (PUDEMO), a political party that was also established i...
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